Modify - Torus Reinforced Gearbox 8mm - Version 2 Gearbox

Regular price $125.00


  • Unique internal and external reinforcement to address the problem of front-end cracking previously encountered in V2 Airsoft Gearboxes.

    • Inspection ports allow for instant visual checks of the airsoft gearbox internals and enable lubrication without disassembly.
    • Fluted gearbox casing increases strength, reduces weight, and dissipates heat more efficiently, allowing Torus to run cooler than conventional gearboxes.
    • Oversize, high-torque screws ensure a secure fit and prevent the loosening of the airsoft gearbox and components.
  • Torus Reinforced V2 Gearbox (8mm) x1
  • Tappet Plate Ver.2 (GB-05-12) x1
  • Torx Key with Small Grip T10 x1
  • Screw-Set No.6 x9